Cashless Parking Solution

Bus terminal,The Proposed Solution

Sakamoja Group is intended to plug the existing loopholes by installing an automated system at all concerned bus terminals countrywide. The system comes with software and hardware that capture the live movement of each bus from departure point all the way to the final destination. As such, the system’s cameras and sensors will be installed at each terminal gate to register and count each bus that arrives at or departs from terminal.

This will give accurate reporting of the each bus’ regulated speed and safety driving without prejudice. In addition to accurate reporting, the system will automatically calculate the applicable fees payable at each terminal and send a payment notification to the bus operator in a form of SMS. For the first time, the LGA will not need revenue collection agents to obtain accurate information about paid, pending, or unpaid revenues by each bus operator, since the system would display all transactions live as they happen.

The same would apply to monitoring bus movements and speeding from one stop to the next. They system would automatically capture each bus’ details upon arrival at each terminal and display the information live at dedicated dashboards or via mobile gadgets.

Proposed Approach/Methodology:

The proposed solution will involve the installation of cameras at entrance and departure gates of all bus terminals. The cameras will be fitted with software that can capture and analyze the images to identify bus details, e.g., registration number, as they enter and exit the terminal.

To ensure compliance, the system will use a combination of automatic and manual checks. The automatic checks will be carried out by the software, which will flag any discrepancies in the data captured. The manual checks will be conducted by the government agents and police stationed at the terminals and on roads. They will be responsible for verifying the automatic checks and ensuring that fees are paid before allowing the bus to exit the terminal.

The system will also have a dashboard accessible via apps on hand held gadgets as well as large TV screens that will display real-time data on bus movements, fees collected, and compliance rates. The dashboard will be accessible to the government agents and the police, allowing them to monitor revenue collection and compliance rates.The proposed public private partnership (PPP) for the Bus Terminal Revenue Collection and Reporting System by Contec Limited will provide the most convenient means of collecting applicable fees and enforce compliance in the bus transport sector in Tanzania. By using cameras installed at bus terminals together with analytic software and apps, the system will track bus movements and ensure that fees are paid before buses exit the terminal. Contec Limited is ready to partner with the Tanzanian government to implement this system and ensure efficient revenue collection and compliance in the bus transport sector. Contec would like to work with the government to pilot this system in one of the major bus terminals in the country before rolling it out countrywide