About Shop tv

The Tele shopping business model is technically a TV selling model where customers,instead of purchasing products via a website or visiting physical corner shops, they seeproducts on the TV, and place their orders via a telephone or sms.The model involves six (6) main components which include TV demonstration, Ordering, Stocking, Order processing, Packaging, and Delivery.

TV Demonstration: With Tele shopping, the company displays a list of products over a TV as a TV show, with elaborations and demonstrations provided over a TV. Potential consumers learn about the product features, availability, prices, and can place their orders.

Stocking: Another important component of this business model is availability of stock whenever customers place their orders, in order to ensure reliability of the shop, the company will need to maintain a warehouse where stocks will be kept. Again, the company can outsource this company to a logistics company.

Ordering: Another key component of this business model is how customers place their orders, so the company will use SMS platform for ordering, all orders will be received via mobile phone and stored into a database. Orders will also be received via a hotline, where customers will make calls and place their orders. When business volumes increases, the company will need to set up a dedicated call centre for receiving orders and customers inquiries, or outsource it to a third party company.

Order processing: Once orders are received from customers, the company will also need a systematic way to process the orders, sorting out order specifications, schedule order deliveries, and ensuring that no order mixing is done, and orders are delivered timely.

Packaging: Depending on the nature of the products, the company will also need to have packagingservices for vendors’ products before they are delivered to customers. Electronics, household items, and other consumer products will need to be packaged before they aredelivered, this will require the company to have the infrastructure for this, and again, this can be outsourced.

Delivery: This is the final process once order is received, processed and packaged. Orders will be delivered to customers conveniences.



In carrying out this business, the CDMCL plans to achieve the following objectives;
• To become a pioneer and market leader of Tele shopping in Tanzania
• To start with few products in year one, and grow the product portfolio to more than 500 different products in 5 years
• To grow revenue from TZS 825m in year 1 to TZS 1.7Bn in year 5
• To cover the main cities of Dar es Salaam and Mwanza in year, and roll out other 3major cities of Arusha, Mbeya and Dodoma in 5 years